Manifest to support independec of kurdistan - Stockholm
Kurds are forty million people whose voice has always been
strangled and their rights to determine their own fate and have their own
country, just like any other nation, have always been trampled by the dictators
of the Middle East, leaders of Iran, Iraq, Syria and Turkey.
after the fall of Saddam, Kurds of Iraq got the opportunity
to build up a new society on the basis of democracy, and evidence shows that
they have been succeeded. Given Numerous hurdles in the way of development of
Kurdistan caused by central government of Baghdad and their failure to reform
and therefore inability to confront isis, President Masoud Barezani recently
decided to take another step forward and call for a referendum on the matter of
independence of Kurdistan region.
Yesterday 19th of
july 2014 in
stockholm kurds people have a manifest to support independec of kurdistan. In
this demonstration more then 2000 people came to show their historical of Rightous
desire of kurd to have a indipendence country.
Several swedish parties declared that in the light of the good
relation between swedish and kurdish parliament, kurds have a very good
potential to have a country. They finished their speech .
.with Beji kurdistan
Report and photo by Sara Saye